Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hitz.FM interview with David Archuleta

 Hey guys..

I want to post bout that Singapore interview with david thing.

One of the Malaysia radio station had interviewed him while he was in Singapore last week but it was let on air last night on Hitz.FM around 10 to 11pm Malaysia time. So this is what I've got..

Q : second time back in Asia, how's that going?

A : It's been great so far it's just a.. it's alway fun to see the fans here cuz i've only got to see them one other time and so it's just.. need to see how, you know, excited, and how happy everyone here. It's great, everyone over here had been really supportive to the new music.

Q : Congratulations on The Other Side of Down, how's the album doing?

A : Aww.. Thank you.. It's been really fun actually for getting to do shows and performing the new songs. These songs, they're just kinda... more fun.. and kind of a.. it's just more me, more of my own thoughts.. from more of me in this song.

Q : So, why do you named it The Other Side of Down?

A : I named it The Other Side of Down because I wanted people to look at things from a different perspective and it's about just looking at the bright side.. Looking at things positive.. and.. Even though things may always be easier to that right now. It's really something I look forward to and there's always something to learn from whatever is happening. So, I just wanted people to think about just looking up and looking at,.. making positive stuff.

Q : What's your next single and a question coming from your fan, would you be releasing more bonus tracks?

A : Oh.. hmm.. oh.. Well, I don't know.. I was kinda wondering if I'll be able to do bonus track. I don't know if I'll be able to release another (song) other than the Japanese release of the album. But I.. The next single that they're talking about (to) release soon is Falling Stars.

Q : Do you watch Glee?

A : Oh Yeah.. Yeah!

Q : Who's your fav character in Glee?
A : I don't know.. I kinda.. I think of their real names right now.. Sorry.. Oh my god.. I got to meet.. Oh! I love Jane Lynch! I think she's so cool.. She makes me cry.. laughing.. She's fabulous on the show. And i've got to meet her a couple of times too! She's really, really nice.

Q : david, if a fan would ask you on a date, would you say yes?

A : Well, if they ask me on a date.. it's probably even the first time i even see them.. So.. I don't know.. It'd be.. cuz.. I know people (are) usually like how i was gonna like.. I want them to like my music if i went on a date with them.. But I've put it.. I wouldn't think of a fan, some fans that come to me with the sign, 'Do you wanna get to date with me?' That would be kinda strange bcoz I don't know who they are.. [Laughs].. It's the first time I meet them and them running up to me.. You know.. So.. I don't know.. I have to get.. I have to kinda know them a little better.

Q : Question from fan, Mary Anne,

      Marry Anne : hey.. This is Mary Anne. I would like to know what do you think of the M'sian fans..

A : Oh.. Well I love the Malaysian.. I.. I love going to Malaysia! Last time I was here in Asia, and it was just a really fun time. They were.. I wasn't sure what to expect cuz (I) didn't know how well the people in Malaysia knew who I was.. Knew of me.. It was just great. I was really surprised.. Really appreciate of how everyone was there..

Q : Are you gonna be coming back here tho?

A : I hope soo,, yea,, I really hope so.. I think it's been really, really fun.. I mean I've had a great, great time, last time. So I'm hoping to.

Q : Do you wanna say anything to your fans?

A : Well, I just wanna say to all of the Malaysian fans, thank you so much for your support. I hope that you guys had been enjoying the new songs from the new album. And I can't wait to see everyone there.

Q : You're definitely will be coming to Malaysia, right?

A : Oh.. Yeah.. Definitely.. Thank you..

Q : All right, have a good day!

A : All right, you too.. buh bye..

Q : buh bye..

So this is all that i've got.. i had recorded the interview but idk how to upload it.. so.. yeah.. sorry.. it's pathetic.. i know.. lol.. so.. bye! Have A Great Day Everyone!!

p/s: it would be nice if you leave a comment.. thx!